Mini Protection Jar

Back in July, I was set upon the task of working some magick. I had the urge to make a small protection jar, but I was worried I didn't have the materials for it and kind of put it off. It kept nagging at the back of my mind, which I'm pretty sure was the Old One, nudging and reminding me to get it done. So, I got it done. I was also supposed to post it here on my blog after I finished it, but life with two Littles got in the way and I'm finally just getting to it now. Yeah... my track record isn't so great right now with keeping up with tasks He sets me on. Little Lady had her cleft lip surgery done last month and it's been a struggle getting back to our normal routine. The surgery went great though and she's all healed up. I just wish she would start sleeping through the night again. But that's what coffee and Red Bull are for I suppose... Also, if you're looking for me to give a run down on the history and uses of spell jars and what not, you are sadl...