New Year and All That Jazz
Blessed New Year, sweetlings! I hope the first three weeks of the new year have been kind to you all. The first two weeks were rough here, but it seems we're on the up and up. The Toddler contracted RSV and passed it on to the Little Lady, then on to me, so it was a lot of coughing, crying, Motrin, nebulizer treatments, late nights, and naps. The Toddler is a hellion when it comes to taking any kind of medicine (he punches, kicks, and spits it all out), but we were able to figure out that putting little bits on a spoon at a time really helps him. So.. yay.. ? Lately I've been thinking a lot about resolutions. Now, regardless of which category you find yourself in, whether yay or nay, I think there is something promising in setting resolutions for the new year. I tend to think of resolutions as goals and aspirations. Sometimes, especially when I've hit a rough patch, they can be anchors or ways to bring back some focus when I'm feeling undone by the chaos of life. They ...