Monday, January 23, 2023

New Year and All That Jazz

 Blessed New Year, sweetlings! I hope the first three weeks of the new year have been kind to you all. The first two weeks were rough here, but it seems we're on the up and up. The Toddler contracted RSV and passed it on to the Little Lady, then on to me, so it was a lot of coughing, crying, Motrin, nebulizer treatments, late nights, and naps. The Toddler is a hellion when it comes to taking any kind of medicine (he punches, kicks, and spits it all out), but we were able to figure out that putting little bits on a spoon at a time really helps him. So.. yay.. ?

Lately I've been thinking a lot about resolutions. Now, regardless of which category you find yourself in, whether yay or nay, I think there is something promising in setting resolutions for the new year. I tend to think of resolutions as goals and aspirations. Sometimes, especially when I've hit a rough patch, they can be anchors or ways to bring back some focus when I'm feeling undone by the chaos of life. They give me hope. And the Gods know how crazy the last few years have been. A little hope can go a long way. I think the best part though is that resolutions don't have to be massive goals or demonstrations. They can be simple and heartfelt and only matter to you. 

I'm still in the process of working on mine. But here are a few I'd like to share : 

  • Blog a few times a month
  • Get back into reading Tarot & Oracle cards
  • Read at least one book a month
  • Adopt a more heart healthy diet (I have a couple of heart issues that aren't problematic right now, but could become so in a few years if I'm not careful)
  • Clean up the altar once a week and put out offerings
  • Write in my grimoires (Moira & Allora), even if it's not "perfect"

See? They are achievable goals that I can take my time working towards. And if I slip up, it won't be the end of the world. I can still get back to them. 

What are some of your goals and aspirations for this year? Do you have your year planned out? Are you just going with the flow and hoping for the best? Are you in the yay or nay crowd? 

Hope to see you soon! 

Brightest Blessings
-Stefanie Autumn-

Monday, September 12, 2022

Mini Protection Jar

Back in July, I was set upon the task of working some magick. I had the urge to make a small protection jar, but I was worried I didn't have the materials for it and kind of put it off. It kept nagging at the back of my mind, which I'm pretty sure was the Old One, nudging and reminding me to get it done. So, I got it done. I was also supposed to post it here on my blog after I finished it, but life with two Littles got in the way and I'm finally just getting to it now. Yeah... my track record isn't so great right now with keeping up with tasks He sets me on. Little Lady had her cleft lip surgery done last month and it's been a struggle getting back to our normal routine. The surgery went great though and she's all healed up. I just wish she would start sleeping through the night again. But that's what coffee and Red Bull are for I suppose...

Also, if you're looking for me to give a run down on the history and uses of spell jars and what not, you are sadly out of luck. There is a plethora of information on the interwebs for you to consume/enjoy without me having to drag you through it. I know you're here for the good stuff and I'm a big fan of just getting to it. 

Now, on to the witch crafting!! With pictures!!

3 nails & 6 thorns

My little jar all filled up. 

Don't mind the dusty altar. Ahem.

All sealed up and ready to charge

Such beauty

How to Make It

Take a small jar (this is a 20mL jar w/ cork I got on on Amazon in a 20 pack)
Add some sharp things like nails, pins, brambles, thorns. Anything sharp/fierce looking
Add protective herbs of your choice (agrimony, rosemary, mugwort, black pepper)
Add alternating layers of white and black salt (or all white if you only have that)
Fill it with fierce, protective energy. Tell it what it needs to do.
Cork it and seal with red/black wax

Keep it on your altar, bury/hang it next to your front door, hide it somewhere it won't be found.. whatever works in your practice. There really is no one way. Mine sits on my altar and will be buried before Winter comes. 


Thursday, July 21, 2022

To Dream a Dream... but is it really just a dream?

 So, things have been... strange... lately. A very certain... weirdness, if you will. One that I am actually, quite honestly, excited about. See, when you're a stay at home parent who doesn't get to venture out into the world often (we're a single car family and I have health issues preventing me from driving) anything that isn't butt wiping and bottle washing, is very exciting. Most exciting is that I've made a new friend. Well, sort of. By friend, I mean Deity. And by Deity I mean the Old One. The Man in Black. He Who Dwells in the Dark to Bring Forth the Light. You know.......

Yeah.. you can imagine my surprise as well. But I'll paint the scene. Imagine. Georgia. 2022. I've been dreaming of the forest since I had my daughter in April. Dark trees, fog, blue glowy moonlight, and a dark figure standing at the edge of the woods. He feels old, and dark, and deep. Not like Cernunnos who is OF the forest/woods/land. This one was just IN the woods, but is OF the world. Ancient like ruins, but beyond the scope and limits of time. Beyond the understanding and measurement of life itself. He was All and yet not belonging to anything. He was there, as if he was waiting to be acknowledged or invited. Just... waiting for me to decide. 

I saw him again in a half dream last week while I was dozing with my baby. I was somewhere in between consciousness and sleep and when I saw him I said "Lucifer. The Man in Black. Old Scratch. Seriously?" and then he laughed and said "About time. Let's go." And I shit you not, it was as if he were next to me when I heard him. I woke up completely then and looked around in the off chance it was my fiancĂ©, and then I remember he was at work so it couldn't have been him talking to me. But the house was empty except for me, the Toddler, and the baby. 

Part of me wants to sit here and say that I don't know why i was dreaming of him or why he was there waiting for me. But the truth is, I'm the one who called out to him first. I've been the one waiting for an answer. So, he showed up, asking if I was still wanting to do this and my answer is.. abso-fucking-lutely. 

I'm ready for change. For magick. For things to finally get moving. I'm ready to find myself again.


Monday, January 31, 2022

The Wheel Turns to Imbolc... and my favorite soup recipe

Well, that was a quick month. January feels like it flew by. Between my Covid recovery (taste and smell finally came back last week) and all the many doctor appointments and tests I've had to deal with, I was busy, but don't feel as if I was very productive. January always leaves me feeling powdery and reclusive. But once February comes, I start to feel restless, as if preparing for Spring makes all the stagnations I've collected crawl out from beneath my skin. But.. alas....

The Wheel has turned and Imbolc is upon us! I won't go into crazy detail about the day. Mostly because there are plenty of blog posts and articles that delve into the holiday and it's meaning and what not. Imbolc is a cross-quarter day that honors the Celtic/Gaelic Goddess Brigid. Usually celebrated from sundown February 1st to sundown February 2nd, it is considered the middle point between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox. The Earth is stirring and buzzing with the promise of Spring as Winter starts to release its hold on the land. 

Brigid is the Celtic Goddess of poetry, healing, fertility, crafting, and the hearth. She can be called on for help during pregnancy/childbirth, the healing arts, creativity (especially for writing, singing, and creating with your hands), and home matters. She was one of the primary Goddesses I worked with when I really dedicated myself to Paganism and Witchcraft in the early 2000's. She always felt like a mentor/guiding light, but I was never dedicated to her. I always did give thanks for her support and made sure to leave a few offerings every Imbolc and when I felt her presence or she came through for me. 

For me, Imbolc is when I take stock of the things in my life and prep for Spring. Some years this looks like getting rid of clutter around the house or what I need to work on in my daily Spiritual/Creative/Mundane life. What do I need to get rid of that I never use? Do I need to work on a better cleaning routine? How's my health and diet? What does my daily routine look like? How is my connection to Spirit? To myself? Am I giving myself time to work on my creative projects, or am I putting things to the wayside with pitiful excuses and distractions? Am  I honoring myself/my path/my life? What things do I need to work on to be at my most Me? 

Usually for any Sabbat (if I plan ahead), I like to make a special dinner. Imbolc is usually something hearty and comforting, like beef stew or soup. This year, I'm making creamy garlic and mushroom smothered pork chops with mashed potatoes and roasted carrots (via this recipe, but replacing the chicken with pork). For dessert, I'll probably be making a non-dairy rice pudding or a vegan vanilla cake (I have a severe egg allergy and I'm lactose intolerant). Some other great meal ideas would be any kind of soup or stew, mac & cheese, casseroles, etc. If you Google "Imbolc Recipes" you'll find a ton of stuff. 

My spell work for Imbolc is usually pretty low key. I clean up my altar and will sometimes dress it up with flowers and crystals (if I'm able to) and offerings of food and drink. Then I light a candle and reflect on what I would like to change or bring into the year. Sometimes the candle is dressed, sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's a simple chime candle or a votive or one I've made personally. The color changes too, but is usually white or maybe a pastel yellow. Depends on what I'm called to. Sometimes bigger magick is called for and sometimes just a gentle hand and some self awareness. 

However you celebrate Imbolc, make it your own. Make it as fancy or as laid back as you like. But remember to enjoy yourself and where you are on your path. 

Blessed Imbolc!


** This is my kids' favorite soup recipe that I make. They had me make it 3 times in less than two weeks during winter break. Hope you enjoy! **

Bacon Potato Soup

1 pack diced bacon
3 Tbsp bacon grease
1/2 diced onion
1 rib celery, diced
1 carrot, diced
2 tsp Salt
1 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp onion powder
2 tsp dried Parsley Flakes
1/4 cup flour
3 cups chicken broth
2 tsp chicken bouillon
2 cups milk, warmed
2-3 lbs yellow potatoes, cut into 1 in. cubes
3/4 cup Half & Half
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup Parmesan

Dice bacon and cook until crispy. Drain bacon and reserve 3 Tbsp of the grease. Add onion, carrots, and celery to pot. Cook until onions start to become translucent. Add seasoning, stir. Add flour and cook 2-3 minutes, stirring frequently. Add chicken broth and bouillon, stir until everything is well mixed and smooth. Add potatoes and milk. Bring to a simmer. Lower heat to low, cover with lid. Simmer until potatoes are fork tender. Mash some of the soup. Add half & half and sour cream. Mix well. Continue simmering until warmed through, 3-4 minutes more. Taste and add seasoning if it needs it. Turn off heat and add parmesan and some of the bacon. Mix well and serve.

*Seasoning depends on how salty bacon and broth are.* 

Monday, January 10, 2022

Welcome (again) To Wild Witchings!

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. My name is Autumn and this is again, a restart of the blog I had planned to work on last year but didn't get around to it because 2021 sucked too much to even comprehend reality. So, yay! Let's start over!   

It's a new year. I had so much planned for myself to kick off the year, but then Covid came and knocked us all on our asses. The Toddler had a fever and cough for maybe 36 hours and was back to his normal self. The Teenager still has some congestion, but he had a small fever and just general ickiness. Both V and I have been really congested with coughs, fatigue, and headaches, but I'm the super lucky one who lost their sense of smell and taste! Such a magickal time! 

So, anyway... I have plans for this year. Plans to reconnect with my creativity, my spirituality, my self. I'm not bound to any Gods this year, so this is particularly exciting. There's a lot I want to do. I want to write poetry and stories and blog and get back into reading Tarot and Oracle cards. I want to do all the Witch Crafting and spell working and dive deep into the Chaos. I want to add to my Grimoires and make more candles. I want to start crafting oils and charm bags and just Create and Enchant and Empower like never before. I want to open myself back up to Spirit and just get back to where I was. I want to be enveloped in the magick. I really want to go old school with the blogging, though, like back to 2011 blogging when it was more fun/personal/authentic. Where I share just random shit all the time. Like recipes (food and otherwise), spells, wonderings, thoughts.. stuff like that...

Most importantly, though, my biggest and dreamiest plan is to really not give a fuck anymore. Fuck social media and algorithms. Fuck looking professional and the constant marketing myself mindset. Fuck the "content creating" and following all the popular trends that literally last maybe a day or two before something else comes along to grab our attention. I just really, REALLY don't want to give a fuck anymore. I tried. It didn't work out for me. If anything, it really added a special layer to my depression that I never want to experience again. I just want to enjoy being Me again without having to think twice about anyone else. 

So, yes... Welcome.. Welcome! I hope you all enjoy whatever it is we got going on over here. And if not, that's okay. 

