To Dream a Dream... but is it really just a dream?

 So, things have been... strange... lately. A very certain... weirdness, if you will. One that I am actually, quite honestly, excited about. See, when you're a stay at home parent who doesn't get to venture out into the world often (we're a single car family and I have health issues preventing me from driving) anything that isn't butt wiping and bottle washing, is very exciting. Most exciting is that I've made a new friend. Well, sort of. By friend, I mean Deity. And by Deity I mean the Old One. The Man in Black. He Who Dwells in the Dark to Bring Forth the Light. You know.......

Yeah.. you can imagine my surprise as well. But I'll paint the scene. Imagine. Georgia. 2022. I've been dreaming of the forest since I had my daughter in April. Dark trees, fog, blue glowy moonlight, and a dark figure standing at the edge of the woods. He feels old, and dark, and deep. Not like Cernunnos who is OF the forest/woods/land. This one was just IN the woods, but is OF the world. Ancient like ruins, but beyond the scope and limits of time. Beyond the understanding and measurement of life itself. He was All and yet not belonging to anything. He was there, as if he was waiting to be acknowledged or invited. Just... waiting for me to decide. 

I saw him again in a half dream last week while I was dozing with my baby. I was somewhere in between consciousness and sleep and when I saw him I said "Lucifer. The Man in Black. Old Scratch. Seriously?" and then he laughed and said "About time. Let's go." And I shit you not, it was as if he were next to me when I heard him. I woke up completely then and looked around in the off chance it was my fiancĂ©, and then I remember he was at work so it couldn't have been him talking to me. But the house was empty except for me, the Toddler, and the baby. 

Part of me wants to sit here and say that I don't know why i was dreaming of him or why he was there waiting for me. But the truth is, I'm the one who called out to him first. I've been the one waiting for an answer. So, he showed up, asking if I was still wanting to do this and my answer is.. abso-fucking-lutely. 

I'm ready for change. For magick. For things to finally get moving. I'm ready to find myself again.



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